
Christmas 2022

An old fashioned Christmas scene with Christmas trees and church

In this scene, I can just see families in a small town going to church on Christmas Eve to sing carols and hear the Christmas story.

Our place setting is our china with ruby red dessert cups for cranberry shrub. A favorite in my family at the Holiday dinner table.

A view from the side with the church lit up inside.

Camping, Summer


A summer favorite – camping! In this tablescape it may look more like glamping, but some of us like glamping better!

Camping with style
Have to have a lantern when camping (even if it is battery run)
The whole table with birchwood candles and rustic accents

Independence Day

Independence Day Tablescape

This tablescape is a tribute to our July 4th celebrations! It is full of the patriotic colors we love and a little bit of whimsy for fun!

This table setting has red, white and blue galore! From the red napkins encircled by a blue star to an American flag silverware holder. The centerpiece includes little white lanterns with flags with table scatter to create some whimsy.

American Flag silverware holders

Here’s a close up of the American flag silverware holders. I’m sure there is an official name for them, but just being practical! The little stars that hold them together are just fasteners pushed through the material. The flags are 25 cent flags from the dollar store! I love how these turned out!

Patriotic Lanterns

Here is a close up of the little lanterns and table scatter. I love the color the table scatter adds to the white tablecloth, and the lanterns are just a cute touch with the flags pushed in.

Whole table view

Here is the whole table again from an angle. I love how festive it is! Feel free to share your tablescapes with me and enjoy your 4th of July parties and celebrations!